Georgia Local Section
Winter Meeting 1999


DATE: January 25, 1999 (Monday) LOCATION: Georgia Power Company

241 Ralph McGill Boulevard

Atlanta, GA 30308

Phone Contact: Grover Higgins @ 404-506-1367

COST: PRE-REGISTRATION: Received by 1/13/98... ...$ 25.00 (members) $30.00 (non-members)

ON-SITE REGISTRATION: At the door: ................ $ 30.00 (members) $35.00 (non-members)

(Costs includes lunch and refreshments)

TO REGISTER: Please make checks payable to "Georgia Local Section - AIHA" and mail to:

David M. Beem, CIH
Norfolk Southern
125 Spring Street, S.W. Box 136
Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: 404-527-3258

Time Topic Speaker
8:30 a.m. Registration 
Continental Breakfast will be available
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Announcements Phil Williams, Ph.D., CIH 
The University of Georgia
9:15 a.m. Title Protection Update Kevin Gara, CIH 
Pritchard & Jerden, Inc.
9:30 a.m. Your Local Section on the Web Stan Salisbury, CIH
10:00 a.m. Current Tuberculosis Issues Angela Weber, MS 
11:00 a.m. BREAK  
11:15 a.m. 




Homogenous Exposure Groups for Arsenic in a Coal-Fired Power Facility 

Waycross Tributary D - Manufactured Gas Plant Clean Up Investigation


Julie Logan, UGA 

Emory University:
   Anyana Banerjee
   Maisha Kambon
   Na'Taki Osborne
   Jay Wamsley

12:30 p.m. LUNCH  
1:30 p.m. Georgia Environmental Regulatory Status Doralyn Kirkland
Georgia EPD
2:15 p.m. 
Pres. continued
Evaluation of a Bubbling Aerosol Generation System for Future Use in Producing Bioaerosols

Detection of Airborne Aflatoxin B1 through Personal Sampling in Agricultural Environments 

Fiber counts by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Phase Contrast Microscopy

Heidi Stout, UAB

Mike Bell, UAB

Carrie Mullin, UAB

3:15 p.m. Indoor Air Quality Case Studies: Evaluating Chemical and Microbial Contamination Tony Worthan, MPH 
Air Quality Sciences, Inc.
4:00 p.m. Adjourn  
For further information about the meeting, please call Barb Epstien at 770-933-0638 
ABIH Certification Maintenance (CM) Approval # 11767, 1.0 IH CM point.