Georgia Local Section | |
[American Industrial hygiene Association] | [March 1999] |
In an attempt to encourage you to stay for the entire meeting, we will have some valuable door prizes to give away at the close of the meeting, but you must be present to win (one will be a $100 cash prize). I look forward to seeing each of you on the 12th of April.
In addition to the electronic version of our newsletters, you'll also find postings of future and past meeting agendas. CM Approval Number will appear at the bottom of each agenda as soon as received from the ABIH. Meeting agendas, with maps and directions included, are posted on the Calendar page. Newsletters are posted on the News page. The electronic newsletter versions contain web links to both email addresses and web pages mentioned in this issue, as will all future issues.
On February 25, the GLS Executive Committee voted to approve posting of the GLS membeship email addresses. This listing is now linked to the web site's "Membership" page and has been since February 26, 1999. As of that date, no GLS member had objected to this posting. If you want to send an email message to a fellow member, just load the email directory page into your web browser and click on the address shown. If you want to send a message to more than one member, then you may need to cut and paste the additional addresses into your message. If any member currently listed would like their name removed, please let me know. Removal of your name from the web page will NOT automatically remove you name from our email distribution list.
The following members have an invalid email address in our directory: Lana Shew and Jeffery Johnson. Please send me your correct address. If any of you are not receiving the occasional broadcast email messages being sent to all members, then we don't know your email address. If you wish to be included in these distributions, please update your directory listing by filling out the form found on our web site at: can be made to:
Shorter College - Travis Williams Memorial Fund
sent to the following address:
Ms. Barbara J. Mull
Donor Relations Manager
Shorter College
315 Shorter Avenue
Rome, GA 30165-4298
The constitutionality issue surfaced at the start of the legislative session, as the bill was being drafted. Since then we have invested considerable time, energy and financial resources seeking a solution. At this point in the legislative session we have simply run out of time, and in any event, do not have sufficient financial resources to mount a successful challenge.
Why is the bill considered unconstitutional?
In the opinion of senior counsel for the House, the bill would "delegate"
authority to ABIH and BCSP to grant titles in Georgia, but Georgia would
have no control over either organization. Senior counsel cited case law
from the Georgia Supreme Court to support his opinion. Retained counsel
for GIHC, in their written opinion, cited the same case law to argue that
the organizations do not grant a right to perform safety and industrial
hygiene work, and do not restrict others from performing such work, therefore
there is no unconstitutional delegation of power.
Prior to retaining counsel, GIHC worked with senior counsel from the House, to revise the bill in hopes of resolving the constitutional issue. However, the only solution acceptable to senior counsel was a solution deemed unacceptable to AIHA and ASSE. The revised bill would have granted non-CIHs and non-CSPs the right to use these same titles, without obtaining them through ABIH or BCSP, provided the person has met equivalent education, experience and examination requirements.
We can seek to overcome the constitutional issue and then continue
with the attempt to enact legislation, or find an alternative means to
meet our objectives.
For example, we could:
(404) 949-1086
Activity: Spring 1998 Seminar
Date: 4/13/98
CM Points Awarded: 0.5 CM point
CM Approval # 11382
Activity: Summer 1998 Meeting
Date: 7/24/98
CM Points Awarded: 0.5 CM point
CM Approval # 6990
Activity: Fall Seminar
Date: 10/26/98
CM Points Awarded: 1.0 CM point
CM Approval # 4888
Activity: Winter Meeting
Date: 1/25/99
CM Points Awarded: 1.0 points
CM Approval # 11767
1993-1998 Certification Maintenance Cycle
Worksheets from Diplomats reporting for the 1993-1998 cycle were due in Lansing February 1, 1999. This includes all persons who passed the exam in 1980, 1986 and 1992 with certificate numbers 1751-2007, 3234-3528 and 5458-5870. Also due to report are Diplomats with certificate numbers 1-1521 who get a remainder of 2 (longhand) or .333 (calculator) when their certificate number is divided by 6. If you are due to report and have any questions, please call Barb at (517) 321-2638 Ext. 5.
Editor's note: If you missed the Feb deadline, you are probably still ok. Just call ABIH and get your paperwork in as soon as possible.
This is an on-going effort, so if you haven't submitted your data, or if you were not aware of this project, please refer to: and click on the Georgia General Assembly Database Project for specific information and instructions. Its fun, its easy and its almost automatic. For some of you who may be "highly protected" behind your company's internet firewall, you may get an error when submitting your data. If that happens, just send your data via normal email to Dave Beem at:
Scott Weiner, CIH
Ciba Vision Corporation
Marianna Spain, CIH
Environmental Management Associates
Peter Kowalski, CIH, CSP
Ballots were included with distribution of this newsletter and must be received by Eva Ewing before April 7, 1999.
(404) 727-4620 or
If you have a copy of the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Ed., you will want to bring your manual up to date with the 2nd. Supplement, NIOSH Pub. 98-119, dated Jan 15, 1998. Copies of the supplement may still be available directly from the NIOSH publications office at 1-800-356-5674. You can also request this supplement via FAX at 513-533-8573. If the supply has been depleted you can still download the methods as separate PDF files from the NIOSH web site at:
While you're there, you may also want to check out the recently released NIOSH publications on workplace stress at:
Speaking of stress, if your company is affected by the EPA requirements
for developing a Risk Management Plan (RMP) as required by EPA's chemical
accident prevention rule under 40 CFR, Part 68, new amendments to the rule
were finalized on February 5, 1999. RMPs must be submitted to EPA by June
21, 1999. EPA has developed free software for this reporting requirement.
Details are discussed on EPA's web site at:
And while time marches on, we are closing in fast on the much publicized
Y2K bug. Check out these sites to learn how Y2K problems could adversely
affect health and safety:
Business Card | $25 |
Quarter-Page | $50 |
Half-Page | $100 |
Full-Page | $200 |
Contact Dave Beem at 404-527-3258
to place your ad in our hardcopy edition.