Georgia Local Section | |
[American Industrial hygiene Association] | [July 1999] |
We have set dates for future meetings. Please mark your calendars as follows:
Besides the four quarterly meetings, other plans for the coming year include community outreach efforts, public relations activities, membership promotion, and a fall golf tournament in conjunction with ASSE and EIA. If you have an interest in any of these adventures or have other great ideas, please get involved by contacting me at (770) 499-7127. We welcome anyone who can make time to participate!
Hope everyone has an interesting and safe summer.
A tentative schedule for the next four Local Section Meetings was developed. The responsibilities of meeting organizer/coordinator were discussed and clarified. Announcements and agendas are to be mailed out at least one month in advance. Future Executive Committee meetings were scheduled for: September 10, 1999, November 12, 1999, and February 18, 2000 to be held at Georgia Power beginning at 11 AM. A list of possible topics for future meetings was compiled: OSHA update; physical hazards (e.g. noise, heat stress); endocrine disrupters, biosafety; global health and safety; VPP Update; ergonomics update; OSHA's plans re: 3 dB exchange rate; disposal of low-level radioactive waste; ventilation; case studies; PCBs; indoor air quality; pesticides. Feedback from members will be sought using the Web site and from attendees at the Summer meeting. Brenda will chair nominating committee. Potential nominees will be discussed at the Nov. Executive Committee meeting. The nominations will be finalized to be mailed in Feb. with the agenda for the Spring meeting. The Executive Committee will discuss potential nominees during the Nov.meeting.
The Local Section Activity Plan was reviewed and discussed and
various action items assigned. Finances were reviewed. Dave will present
his report at the next meeting.. Stan presented options for outsourcing
the printing, folding and distribution of the newsletter. The proposal
was approved. Stan will contact Dave Beem regarding annual sponsorships
for those not interested in participating in Vendors' Day. Stan and Brenda
will evaluate ways to pare down the amount of information required by the
membership application form.
The following people have submitted changes to the directory since our last printing.
Scott Weiner: phone 678-415-4346
(note the new area code for Metro Atlanta)
Steve Glover: 706-737-5560
George Pineda: 404-504-2709
Steven D. Henry 256-235-4128
We need corrected email addresses for the following members:
Melinda Taylor
Andrew Teague
Tina Hayes
Annie Anderson
Deirdre Lyons-Gray
Tim Grubb
Christopher DePasquak
Activity: Fall Seminar
Date: 10/26/98
CM Points Awarded: 1.0 CM point
CM Approval # 4888
Activity: Winter Meeting
Date: 1/25/99
CM Points Awarded: 1.0 points
CM Approval # 11767
Activity: Spring 1999 Meeting
Date: 4/14/99
CM Points Awarded: 1 CM point
CM Approval # 12370
If you haven't submitted your data, please visit the web page at: and click on the Georgia General Assembly Database Project for specific information and instructions. Its fun, its easy, and its almost automatic. For some of you who may be "highly protected" behind your company's Internet firewall, you may get an error when submitting your data. If that happens, just send your data via normal email to Dave Beem at:
Phone: 1-800-35-NIOSH
Fax: 1-513-533-8573
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has identified 12,500 workplaces with the highest occupational injury and illness rates and is urging the employers to take action to remove hazards causing the high rates. The employers are those whose establishments reported the highest "lost workday injury and illness" rates to OSHA in a survey of 1997 injury and illness data covering 80,000 workplaces. For every 100 full-time workers, the 12,500 employers had eight or more injuries or illnesses which resulted in lost work days. The national average is 3.3. A list of the 12,500 employers is available from OSHA's Web site at:
The Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA has issued a proposed rule that would establish health and safety training requirements for sand, gravel, surface stone, and other noncoal miners. The proposed regulation was published in the Federal Register on April 14 and covers more than 10,000 mines currently exempt from the training regulations, including shell dredging, sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines. The proposal would require mine operators to have an approved health and safety program that provides at least 24 hours of training in certain specific courses, including: statutory rights of miners and their representatives under the safety act; use of self-rescue and respiratory devices, where appropriate; hazard recognition; emergency procedures; electrical hazards; first aid; and "walkaround" training. Note: documents published in the Federal Register can be accessed on the Internet at:
The AIHCE 2000 Local Conference Committee in Orlando has set
up a special web page to facilitate communications and to help with volunteer
recruitment. If you want to volunteer or if you just curious, you can visit
their page at:
Ad Size | Newsletters four each | Annual Directory | Annual Rates | Savings |
B. Card | $100 | $50 | $100 | $50 |
¼ pg. | $200 | $75 | $200 | $75 |
½ pg. | $400 | $150 | $400 | $150 |
full pg. | $800 | $200 | $750 | $250 |
Newsletter Advertising Rates
Business Card $25
Quarter Page $50
Half-Page $100
Full-Page $200
Contact Dave Beem at 404-527-3258 to place your ad.