July 2003 Quarterly Newsletter Web Edition |
Executive Committee (2003-04):
President Elect:
Director - 1st
Director - 2nd
Newsletter Editor:
Past President: Sponsors Gold Level
Clayton Group Services. Silver Level
Ashtead Technologies Bronze Level
Analytical Environmental Services, Inc.
only) Annual
CIH Services Inc.
President's MessageRich DeLuca, CIHSo, What's the Plan?The new officers met on June 6 to discuss and plan for this year's Georgia Local Section activities. The GLS success is based on the actions of its volunteers. I think you will find that we have a leadership team that is dedicated to advancing the profession and that you will benefit from the team's effort. There will be numerous activities throughout the year, and we hope that you will volunteer your time and talents towards to support of an area of interest to you. What we hope to accomplish:
Note: For the July 25th meeting we are looking for volunteers to participate in the panel discussion. See related article
I know we are all busy in these economic times, however sometimes a break from our daily routine can be “just what the Doctor ordered.” So take some time to network, get reacquainted with old friends, or help a young professional enter the profession. Plan to attend the meetings on July 25th. If you cannot make it, but would like to assist us in our efforts, just drop me an email at delucar@eshconnect.com . I look forward to working with all of you. Have a safe summer! Executive Committee HighlightsBryce Bennett - SecretaryThe first Board meeting of the 2003-2004 Georgia Local Section was held on June 6th. Members attending were Rich Deluca, Chris DePasquale, Larry Newton, Art Wickman, Ryan Langton and Bryce Bennett. The meeting lasted from 9:00 AM to 12:00PM. The first order of business was to devise a directional path for this upcoming year. It is important for the GLS to have tangible goals and objectives to strive for during this tenure. The main goals that were established are detailed in the President's message. Items such as identification of additional safety and health personnel in the area and evaluation of current enrollment were key action items analyzed. Finally, Ryan Langton reviewed the current treasury report. Additional topics of discussion centered on future meeting dates, topics and formats as well as incentives to attract additional attendees to these meetings. The next GLS meeting will be held July 25th from 9am to 1 pm with a Local Conference Committee (LCC) planning meeting to follow. News from the Local Section Business Meeting in Dallasby Ryan LangtonThe annual AIHA local section council business meeting was held in conjunction with the AIHCE in Dallas on May 14, 2003, at the Adams Mark hotel. Attending the meeting on behalf of the Georgia Local Section were Treasurer Ryan Langton, and First Term Director, Chris DePasquale. Mr. Jeff Burton, Vice Chair of the Local Sections Council, was the meeting facilitator. Awards were presented for outstanding local section websites, as well as to the student local section of the year (Central Missouri State University, so all you Mules alumni out there can be proud!). The meeting presented an excellent opportunity to network with officers from other local sections, and share ideas for local section meetings and other functions. The most significant item of discussion involved the issue of liability insurance for the local sections. The national AIHA recently notified the local sections that they would no longer be carrying this insurance for the local sections. A representative from the AIHA's insurance carrier presented the options for coverage for the local sections. At this time no definitive actions have been taken in regards to this issue, but please be aware that the AIHA will assist the local sections on the best course of action to take on this issue. Other speakers during the meeting included Stephen Davis, AIHA Executive Director and Gary Olmstead, President of the AIHF. Mark Your CalendarsThe Fall Golf Classic sponsored by the Georgia Chapters of the AIHA, ASSE & EIA will again take place this year at the Trophy Club of Atlanta in Alpharetta, GA on October 9, 2003. The Fall Golf Classic, in the past and again this year, will provide an opportunity for the members of these organizations to gather in a casual atmosphere to network, promote each chapter, develop business relationships, and most importantly, have a great day with good people on the golf course.
The entry fee is $75 which includes greens
fee, cart, range balls, box lunch and, of course,
unlimited heckling. The deadline for entry
will be September 26, 2003. If you have
questions or would like to be a Classic
Sponsor, please contact Tod Dawson at: Summer Meeting:Emerging Issues UpdateThe Summer Meeting has traditionally been a ˝ day event. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, July 25, 2003. It will focus on emerging issues that have impact on occupational health. We will meet in the Georgia-Pacific Corporation Training Center, Training Room five, located at 133 Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta. We will have a NIOSH representative speak to us about SARS, and what to anticipate in the upcoming months. Next, we will have a speaker from OSHA explain the new proposed rules regarding respirator fit testing and fit factors. We will then follow this discussion with an MSA respirator representative sharing their views regarding the NIOSH Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) certification for respiratory protection. Finally, we will close the meeting with a panel discussion on how all of these issues impact the way we do business. We are soliciting members to be on the panel. Please e-mail Rich DeLuca at delucar@eshconnect.com if you would like to participate. |
Special Offers for our July 25th meeting If you bring a guest, both the gues t and the member each get $10 off the cost of attending the meeting. If you pre-register, your name will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Home Depot Gift Certificate. After lunch you may stay for the first Atlanta AIHCE Local Conference Committee planning meeting.
The American Board of Industrial hygiene has awarded certification maintenance (CM) points for the following Georgia AIHA Local Section (GLS) meetings:
Activity: To find approval numbers for other past meetings or to link to pdf copies of ABIH approval letters, please visit the GLS Web site's Calendar page
Local Section Dues for 2003
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