April 2003 Quarterly Newsletter Web Edition |
Executive Committee (2002-03):
President Elect:
Director - 1st
Director - 2nd
Newsletter Editor:
Past President: Sponsors Gold Level
Clayton Group Services. Silver Level
Ashtead Technologies Bronze Level
Analytical Environmental Services, Inc.
only) Annual
CIH Services Inc.
President's Final MessageBy Leah Oglesby MSPH, PresidentAs I write my last president's message, I am reminded of the great year that I have had serving in the president's role. It has truly been a rewarding experience. There have been days that I wished for less responsibility, but in the end I am grateful to have served. I have come away with a lot to show for the time I put in, and I could not have made it through without the support of the board. So, I have decided to use this space to thank each board member for their contributions over the year. It is often a thankless job, but let me assure that it should not be. You should all be excited about the year ahead with Rich DeLuca in charge. Rich has this amazing positive energy that is contagious, and I know he will do a great job as president because of it. He also has excellent organizational skills and has put together a calendar that should make our board responsibilities much clearer and easier. I am grateful to Rich for always stepping in to pick up my slack when I was on travel or just forgetful. Thanks Rich, for adding the spark to our organization and helping me through the year! Ryan Langton gets the award in my book this year for patience and perseverance. Ryan took on a big role as vendor coordinator for the ASSE/AIHA joint PDC this spring, and he did an amazing job! Ryan's professionalism and commitment really shined bright during the planning and execution of the vendor expo. He taught me some lessons in life that I should have learned a long time ago. He has also done a great job managing our budget and organizing our financial records. Ryan is a huge asset to our group, and I thank him for the countless hours he has contributed. Great job Ryan! Art Wickman, Larry Newton and Grover Higgins have been terrific to work with also. Art put up with my many requests to send our information to our members, and Larry always lends a helping hand when needed. Both Art and Larry have stepped up to the plate when we have needed speakers and sponsors for our meetings. This type of contribution is critical to our organization's success, and I thank them for that. Grover has been a huge supporter of our local section for years, and he provides meeting space for both our board and quarterly meetings. Grover also does a great job coordinating our involvement with UGA and drumming up speakers at the last minute when we need them. Thanks Grover, for your consistent dedication over the years. Sylvia Callender-Carter stepped into some large shoes to fill. She has done a fantastic job with the newsletter, a job that I personally think would be quite difficult. It is nice to know that we have members with skills all across the board. I would not even know where to start with a newsletter format, and Sylvia jumped right in and made the transition appear seamless. Of course I could not write this thank you message without including Stan Salisbury. Although Stan does not officially serve on the board, he does a ton of behind the scenes jobs that keep our local section running. Stan works closely with Sylvia to get the newsletter to the printer and out to you each quarter, and he also maintains our local section award winning web site. We are lucky to have Stan as a support person to our group. So, thanks to both of you, Sylvia and Stan, for doing a great job with our communications. Last but not least, I want to thank Dave Beem. Dave served as past president this year and was always willing to play a role in organizing our meetings. He helped me identify half of the speakers we supplied at the joint PDC. Dave was also a great resource for providing perspective and knowledge on what had gone on with the local section in the past. Most of all, Dave really pushed me into this position when our president-elect was transferred. I thank Dave for encouraging me to serve as president, and I owe him a lot for the rewards I have received for my time on the job. Thanks Dave! In closing, let me encourage you to consider running for a board position in the future. It is a great experience, and I am confident that you will find it just as rewarding as I have. I look forward to serving as past president this year and seeing you all at our summer meeting! Leah. Local Section Board at Work in Photos below:
OSHA Seeking Comments on PPE Requirements OSHA And Emergency PreparednessWashington, DC -- John L. Henshaw, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health today announced the appointment of John Ferris as OSHA's new Special Assistant for Emergency Preparedness. Ferris will coordinate OSHA's efforts to address emergency preparedness and response in workplaces around the nation. AIHA Announces Davis as New Executive DirectorFairfax, Va (March 11, 2003) - The American Industrial Hygiene Association announced today that Steven H. Davis, CAE, has been selected to serve as executive director. Davis has been acting executive director since December 2002. He served as deputy executive director for four and a half years. Davis served three tours of duty in Vietnam, the maximum allowed in the Naval Advisory Group. Following his military service, he completed an undergraduate degree in biology and a graduate degree in botany/horticulture. His 25 years of experience in association management began when he joined the staff at the American Horticultural Society as a botanical editor. Over the next 11 years he progressed to the number two position as director of horticulture. He then moved to the American Horticultural Therapy Association where he spent the last eight years as executive director. GLS Executive Committee HighlightsArt Wickman, SecretaryThe Georgia Local Section Executive Committee met on March 18, 2003, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. The meeting combined both the local section executive meeting, and the local section conference planning meeting for the 2004 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, AIHCE. Present at the meeting from the local section were Art Wickman, Dave Beem, Ryan Langton, Leah Oglesby, Rich Deluca, Sylvia Callender-Carter, Stan Salisbury, and Larry Newton. Present from the National AIHA staff were Carol Tobin (Manager of Education and Meetings), Caroline Lacey (Exposition Manager), and Susan Dunbar (Manager of Meetings). Carol Tobin gave an overview of the local section role in preparing for the AIHCE. Under the direction of the Local AIHCE Coordinator (Rich Deluca) the local section sub-committees provides planning for six conference events: Community Service, Foundation Fun Run, Opening General Session, Volunteer Personnel, Promotion, and Technical Tours. Of sub-committees, Art Wickman will direct Community Service, Technical Tours will be directed by Leah Oglesby, Fun Run by Ryan Langton, Opening Session by Sylvia Callender-Carter; the remaining subcommittees are open for volunteers. Carol Tobin stressed the importance of local promotion of the AIHCE, because the largest proportion of attendees at the conference generally comes from the region hosting the event. Two additional planning meetings with the AIHA staff will occur prior to the conference, the first in July/August 2003, and the second in March/April of 2004.
In local section planning news, a digital camera will be purchased for use by the newsletter coordinator. The local section is committed to continuing support of the UGA Scholarship fund. The local section is committed to participating in the AIHA Fellow's nomination during the 2003 cycle. Photos From AIHA-ASSE PDCMarch 27-28, 2003:
The American Board of Industrial hygiene has awarded certification maintenance (CM) points for the following Georgia AIHA Local Section (GLS) meetings:
Activity: To find approval numbers for other past meetings or to link to pdf copies of ABIH approval letters, please visit the GLS Web site's Calendar page
Local Section Dues for 2003
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